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Awed At The Kindness

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Recently, Sister Rosanne Popp, M.D. of CHRISTUS St. Mary’s Clinic received a monetary donation from a grateful Sister. The donation was marked “For The Poor.”

During this same time, a generous donor gave St. Mary’s Clinic a large donation of disinfectant wipes and disposable masks which were shared with the other ministries. On the day that Sister Rosanne took some of these donated items to CHRISTUS Our Daily Bread, Paul* came to the facility in search of assistance. He recounted that he had been gainfully employed, but due to the pandemic had lost his job. Paul had been living at the Salvation Army, and now his time there was coming to an end. He had never been homeless or without resources before in his life and didn’t know anything about surviving on the streets.

The staff was able to work with collaborators to find Paul a residential retraining placement in Arizona. The only obstacle left was the travel expense.  Through their resourcefulness, the Our Daily Bread staff was able to secure the funds to get Paul a bus ticket from Houston to his new residence in Arizona.

Angela Joseph, Our Daily Bread’s director, shared Paul’s story with Sr. Rosanne and their efforts to help him get a new lease on life.  At that very moment, as he was waiting for his ride to the Houston Bus Station, Sr. Rosanne remembered the donation envelope that she had stowed away in her work bag.  She pulled it out and found a crisp $50 bill inside. She gave the money to Angela to add to the “travel bag” that they had been putting together for Paul to take on his journey.

Angela later related that Paul was awed at the kindness he had received and the lengths that the Our Daily Bread staff had gone to help him realize his hope of being gainfully employed once more.

*Not real name

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