Excellence in Children’s Vaccines
Since 2019, CHRISTUS Healthy Living Mobile Clinics has tripled the number of children’s vaccinations administered with this past fiscal year reaching the level of over 6,900 vaccinations.
The CHRISTUS Mobile Clinics is now one of the lead mobile clinic providers of vaccines for children in the Houston and surrounding counties. “Through Texas Vaccines for Children Program and support from CHRISTUS Foundation for Healthcare, the Mobile Clinics administers lifesaving vaccines to underserved and uninsured children at zero cost to families,” Nancy Bocanegra, Mobile Clinics Supervisor, said. Vaccinations include everything from infant & toddler vaccinations such as Polio, MMR and DTAP to teen vaccinations such as HPV and the Meningitis vaccine required for college entry.
This October, the Mobile Clinics will receive an award for excellence during the TVFC Summit. “The award recognizes those providers with zero deficiencies, meaning we maintained and exceeded State compliance in our vaccination processes,” Bocanegra said.
Many factors are involved with maintaining compliance, but one major aspect is ensuring the vaccinations records are submitted correctly into the State’s IMMTRAC2 system. “Charting and uploading vaccination history into the system has become as important as the actual administration of the vaccines,” Bocanegra said. “This often involves lots of data entry of patients’ vaccination records and constant communication with the IMMTRAC2 system for corrections to records.”
This attention to detail garnered the Mobile Clinics a 95% accuracy in submitting data to IMMTRAC2. “We’ve managed to maintain the excellence of the work even with the growth of vaccinations. I am so proud of the CHRISTUS Healthy Living Mobile Clinics team for their commitment and dedication to the communities we serve.”
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