Karina’s Story

Karina Reyna, R.N. administers a shingles vaccine to a client during a clinic at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church.
In 2019, Karina Reyna graduated from Houston Community College with her nursing degree. “I was really excited to look for a job, and then the pandemic hit,” Reyna said.
During her job search, she came across a posting for CHRISTUS Healthy Living Mobile Clinics. “When I heard about it and read the job description, I was interested,” Reyna said. “I had never heard of mobile clinics. It was different from what I thought nursing could be, and it really intrigued me.”
For Reyna, her day starts with making sure the vaccines are in the appropriate temperature range, pulling required stock for that day’s site, coordinating necessary paperwork, and then leaving in the mobile unit for the clinic site where 30-60 immunizations are administered. “When I return to the office, I close my charts and get ready for the next day,” she said. And sometimes her day even includes driving the mobile unit.
The Mobile Clinics recent work with the Afghan refugees has been very impactful for Reyna. “It was so nice to be a part of the process to help acclimate them to living here in America and to help their children get prepared for school,” she said. “Patient education was especially crucial when it came to next doses or what to give to the schools, so I am especially grateful for the translators who made that line of communication possible. It feels good to be a part of a team that helps communities on a day-to-day basis.”
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