Flu Season is Here, Are you Prepared?
It is about that time of year again: Flu season. It is a time characterized by fever, muscle and body aches, headaches, running noses and more that has led to dire consequences, like death, without the first line of defense; the flu vaccine.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, last year’s influenza statistics show that it was even worse than the 2009 swine flu epidemic. The historic number of flu cases in the 2018-19 resulted in high hospitalizations and deaths.
What’s in the Flu Shot?
Flu shots contain a cocktail of ingredients that include a trace of deactivated flu viruses in addition to small bits of chemicals designed to prevent bacterial contamination. They also contain egg protein and antibiotics.
How Does It Work?
Flu shots are designed to trick your body. The cocktail makes your body believe that viruses have invaded the body and need to be defended against. After your body fights off the minute strains of the virus, it builds a better immunity to the virus if you encounter it in the future.
CHRISTUS: Your Zero-Cost Flu Vaccine Provider
The CHRISTUS Healthy Living Mobile Clinics will be providing influenza shots at zero-cost beginning in October. The Influenza vaccine will be provided at several different locations throughout the Houston-Galveston area, as depicted on the CHRISTUS Healthy Living Mobile Clinics calendar.
Appointments are not necessary. If anyone needs the flu shot. They can get it at any one of the CHRISTUS Healthy Living Mobile Clinic event locations. Anyone 6 months old or older can get the vaccine. The only requirement is filling out an agreement form. In the case of under aged persons, a permission form signed by a parent or guardian is required.
Donations of $20 are encouraged and accepted.
Want to know if the CHRISTUS Healthy Living Mobile Clinics will be in your area? Check out this calendar of events.
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