CHRISTUS School Clinics
Words from a Working Parent
“Many times we have to wait and take them to an emergency care place on the weekend, just so we don’t get financially penalized for missing work. I thank God for CHRISTUS School clinics. I have such great relief knowing my children will not suffer because they can go to the school clinic when they are sick and I don’t have to miss work and income to take them to the doctor.”
Keeping Children Healthy
CHRISTUS School Clinics keep students healthy and in school through basic medical and screening services and mental health counseling. Each year, 9 CHRISTUS School Clinics are called upon more than 6,000 times to care for children at school – where they spend the greatest portion of their day.
Telemedicine Increases Capacity to Serve
CHRISTUS Foundation for HealthCare uses an innovative telemedicine program in all CHRISTUS School Clinics. Via laptop computers, medical assistants working at School Clinics can connect with CHRISTUS family nurse practitioners and physicians. These healthcare professionals can see what a school’s medical assistant sees, ask students questions, provide real-time diagnosis and even prescriptions.
CHRISTUS School Clinics Staff

School Clinics (Clinicas Escolares)
- Assumption Catholic School, PK3-8
(281) 447-2132 - Holy Ghost School, PK3-8
(713) 668-5327 - Our Lady of Fatima, Galena Park, PK3-6
(713) 674-5832 - Our Lady of Fatima, Texas City, PK3-8
(409) 945-3326 - Our Lady of Guadalupe School, PK3-8
(713) 224-6904 - Resurrection School, PK3-8
(713) 674-5545 - St. Augustine School, PK3-8
(713) 946-9050 - St. Christopher, PK3-8
(713) 649-0009 - St. Mary of the Purification, PK3-5
(713) 522-9276
Vital On-Campus Services
- Direct healthcare and mental health counseling to students and families
- Leadership for the provision of health-related services
- Screening and referral for health conditions
- Leadership in promoting health and a healthy school environment
- Leadership in developing health policies and programs
- Liaisons among school personnel, family, community and other healthcare providers
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Medical and mental health encounters0
mental health counseling sessions0
underserved area schoolsSuccess Stories
Ten Years Of Better Mental Health
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Area School Parents Depend On Care From School Clinics
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That’s Where I Belong
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TeleMedicine Bridges Child Health Care
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CHRISTUS School Based Clinics Awarded $15,000 by Charity Guild of Catholic Women
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CHRISTUS School Clinic Provides Safe Harbor for St. Pius V 6th Grader
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